"install explain 1" = "BumperCar must prepare its security files. An administrator password will be required.";
"install explain 2" = "BumperCar will now take you to the Parental Controls window where you can set restrictions on surfing. An administrator password is always required to open this window.";
"installcontinue" = "OK";
"installquit" = "Quit";
"installerror" = "Error";
"installfolderbad" = "Failed to create secure folder in library.";
"installdenied" = "BumperCar cannot continue without installing its support files.";
"repairfailed" = "BumperCar cannot continue without repairing its support files.";
/* Control settings presets */
"high" = "• Whitelist suitable for children.
• Blocks Web sites rated 1 or higher.
• Blocks Web sites containing profanity.
• Blocks Web sites listed in blacklist.
• Prevents downloading files.
• Filters search engine results.
• Limits surfing to 4 hours a day.
You may further customize these settings using the tabs above.";
"preschooldesc" = "When the Safety Settings window is closed, BumperCar will switch to a limited functionality mode. You can quit by pressing Command-Q, or return to the Safety Settings window by pressing Command-option-Q.";
"last curse prompt" = "The last curse word that prevented a Web site from loading was \"%@\".";
"expirenote" = "Trial Expired";
"expireexp" = "This trial version of BumperCar has expired. You can purchase the full version at the Freeverse online store ( http://store.freeverse.com ).";
"storeurl" = "http://store.freeverse.com";
"screwedupaccount" = "Either the account or password has not been entered. Both are required for network updating. Leave both fields blank to disable network updating.";
"screwedupaccountexp" = "An account name and a password must both be entered. Leave both fields empty to disable networked page lists.";
"whitelistexp" = "A new whitelist must be added to remain synchronized. An administrator password is required.";
"install explain 3" = "BumperCar settings are being shared among accounts on this computer. This copy will use the shared settings automatically. You can review these settings in the Parental Controls window, or change them from any account.";
"customurlerror" = "Custom Homepage Error";
"customurlexp" = "The Web site entered is not valid.";
"personaldataerror" = "Personal Data Error";
"personaldataexp" = "Entries in the personal data filter may not contain spaces. Try entering the words one by one as separate items.";